Video report from passed session “Soft skills for kids” during triathlon sport camp. Training contain: 1. Intro. Why soft-skills are important. 2. Interview. How to listen and ask. 3. Negotiation. How to get what you want. 4. Presentation. How to pitch and be voted. 5. Team work. Collaborate and win as a team. 6. Storytelling.…
Category: Composure
3 tips how to boost your confidence
Confidence: When others see your value you feel great. You are optimistic, decisive and agile. Confidence makes ideas alive. Where you can find your confidence? What you born withWhat your environmentYour risks and decisions and reflections after. З совета: Fast mobilisation tips. Imagine future success listening music.Believe in self development. Change your approach to your…

If the Ego is sick
Every person is unique. Different destinies, upbringing, values and points of view. But there is a feeling that unites people – self-love or Ego. In this article, we will talk about how to manage your Ego and what to do if it gets sick. Imagine a situation, on Monday you come to work after a…

Test "Touchiness and arrogance"
Do you want to know how confident or touchy, approachable or arrogant you are? Take the test. Filling out the test takes less than 3 minutes. Memo for passing the test: Answer truthfully. Do not embellish, no matter how much you would like it. Ask others (friends or enemies) to rate you. This way you…

"Confidence" Test
What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Nietzsche We all have failures at times that make us very upset. Usually, people envy those whom problems make stronger. How to develop this quality in yourself? To begin with, it is worth determining in which specific aspect of psychological stability you can become better. Research has proven…

"Emotional Intelligence" Test
To get an idea of your EQ, answer the questions as honestly as possible by choosing one of the answer options from “always” to “never”. Memo for taking the test: Answer truthfully. Do not embellish, no matter how much you would like it. Ask others (friends or enemies) to rate you. This way you will…

Negotiation intelligence
Intelligence is the thinking ability, the mental principle of a person that determines his activity. Obviously, as smart we are, as effective we are. There are a lot of terms for classifying intelligence.The most well-known to us are IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional intelligence). Less well-known: VQ (vital energy coefficient), musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body-kinesthetic…
Why we choke under pressure?
When the pressure is on, why do we sometimes fail to live up to our potential? Cognitive scientist and Barnard College president Sian Leah Beilock reveals what happens in your brain and body when you choke in stressful situations. She sharing psychological tools that can help you perform at your best when it matters most.

Do not have an alternative? Try to imagine one.
In our classes we teach students to find BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) before negotiation. It is improves you confidence and creates your bottom line. But what negotiator should do if there is no alternative? Try to imagine ambitious but realistic one. Researches show us that mental simulation increase results from negotiation. Paper…