Intelligence is the thinking ability, the mental principle of a person that determines his activity. Obviously, as smart we are, as effective we are.
There are a lot of terms for classifying intelligence.
The most well-known to us are IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional intelligence). Less well-known: VQ (vital energy coefficient), musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, personal intelligence, natural scientist intelligence. You can read more about these intelligences in the Lifehacker article or in the Encyclopedia of Practical Psychology. You can take the emotional intelligence test on our website.
If we consider the topic of intelligence in the field of interpersonal communications, then here we are interested in a well-defined Intelligence Quotient (IQ), a relatively new, but more abstract Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and a completely unknown Likeability Quotient (LQ)

In this article, we will talk about the first intelligence – IQ. The English psychologist Hans Eysenck developed this term. The IQ – is the result of the Eysenck test, which measures a person’s intellectual abilities. There are five test options, and they can be easily found on the Internet. There are critics who consider the test incorrect.

Nevertheless, the concept of IQ (hereinafter Intelligence) in the modern world has grown into something more than just test results. In the field of education, Intelligence is characterized by terms such as Hard Skill or Knowledge.
Intelligence consists of two main components: Knowledge and the Power of Thinking.
Intelligence in negotiations.
Knowledge is the comprehension of reality by consciousness.
In negotiations and interpersonal communications, this may be knowledge of the product, its advantages and benefits, or an assessment of the market situation, or an understanding of how to properly organize the process, or knowledge of how to conduct negotiations themselves.
Knowledge also makes up your breadth of horizons, which helps you find more common topics in the process of communication. You can also surprise your counterpart with interesting facts, new ideas or an original approach to solving a difficult task.
Research shows that new knowledge stimulates the production of dopamine – the hormone of satisfaction, love and affection. That’s why storytelling is so effective in building relationships. At the moment when you tell an interesting story, the listener is thrown out of happiness from new facts, and brain impulses are synchronized between the listener and the speaker. Watch the TED video “Your brain in the process of communicating”.
The other part of IQ is the power of your intelligence. In other words, how the brain is trained to analyze information, assimilate new ideas, create solutions. All this can also be correlated with creative abilities.
7 signs that Intelligence helps You in communicating with people:
- Sometimes you are in the attention of others.
- You can appeal with abstract theories and complex concepts.
- You are known to acquaintances and friends as an intelligent person.
- You have a wide range of interests, both in your personal life and at work.
- You have a broad mindset that helps you solve complex problems using knowledge of similar experiences.
- Use the knowledge gained from books, the Internet and educational events in order to solve the task.
- You can analyze the current situation and assume realistic scenarios for the future.
Naturally, IQ is necessary for success not only in interpersonal communications, but also in other aspects of life – in family, business, education, art etc.
How to develop your intelligence?
Here are some recommendations:
Learn from the successes and mistakes of others.
Study the inventions and failures of mankind. Find out, for example, how the first plane was created, which projects failed and why. The more experience you learn from others, the smarter you become.
Study people’s biographies. Their experience, successes and failures.
Read books, websites, blogs. For example, our blog. Everything that you like and arouses interest. By reading, your brain will train imagination, assimilate and analyze new things, compare with experience and develop intuition.
Calm down.
Emotional state affects brain’s productivity. Learn to relax through your favourite activities, meditation, breathing exercises, sports exercises.
Chess players, by the way, include physical activity in the training process.
Give yourself time “to think”. Add at least a minute to think about this or that problem. Play mind games like chess, mafia or simulators of something. You can find a lot of brain exercises on the Internet.
Separate emotions from facts.
If you always rely on your opinions and beliefs, then you become dependent on the correctness of your judgments. Ask yourself the question “Why?” as often as you can, and every time you will get closer to the truth. Doubt the beliefs of others, as well as your own.
Filter information pollution, systematize the useful.
Control the flow of information that enters your brain. A huge number of different events, both high-quality and not so much, social networks and millions of thoughts and posts daily. All this overloads your brain with both necessary and trash.
Filter through your internal censorship. Use Mind-mapping to filter the received information and present it, for example, in this form (how to make a mind-map).
Seek adventures.
Use any opportunity to try new things. Travel to places you haven’t been before. Attend new events, community meetings, hangouts, performances – everything that can give you a new experience.
The development of Intelligence will allow you to improve your communication skills and be more successful in developing Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
What is Emotional Intelligence, and how it can help a negotiator, read the following articles!