3 tips how to boost your confidence

Confidence: When others see your value you feel great. You are optimistic, decisive and agile. Confidence makes ideas alive. Where you can find your confidence? What you born withWhat your environmentYour risks and decisions and reflections after. З совета: Fast mobilisation tips. Imagine future success listening music.Believe in self development. Change your approach to your…

The art of misdirection

The greatest pickpocket in the world, Apollo Robbins studies the quirks of human behaviour as he steals your watch. In a hilarious demonstration, Robbins samples the buffet of the TEDGlobal 2013 audience, showing how the flaws in our perception make it possible to swipe a wallet and leave it on its owner’s shoulder while they…

How many emotions do you know?

Evolutional psychologists assumed that human has only 6 basic emotions such as happiness, sadness, scare, disgust, anger and surprise. But Tiffany Watt smith doesn’t agree with them. She tells the story of human emotions. And it’s more complex then six. If you want to know what are depaysement, amae, awumbuk, basorexia,gezelligheid or ilinx, watch this…

Are you a giver, a taker or a matcher?

[:en]At work and in personal life, there are three basic roles of people in case of help balance: givers, takers and matchers. Do you now who you are? Watch this video to find your role and to understand what is the best one for self and corporate performance.[:ru]Существуют три типа людей: берущие, дающие и обменивающиеся.…